martes, 22 de junio de 2010

Let's learn!!!!!!!

‘The Four Seasons’ is a great topic for the beginning of the year as it marks the start of a fresh cycle. In the primary tip archives you can find a tip to help you teach the weather. Here we take a wider look at how the year is split up into distinct parts. With younger learners you may touch upon the ever-decreasing dividing line between the seasons and how around the world seasons differ. Primarily though stick to the classic four contrasting seasons that the children can relate to and help them to grasp the concept by referring to the change in weather.
Age: The majority of the activities below are based on TBL (Task based learning) where you give your group a problem or situation and they work together to find a solution. This requires a certain level of language for it to be successful so most of the activities are aimed at older primary. Within each mini-subject there is at least one activity though that can be adapted for younger primary.
Aims: Many of these activities draw from other subjects across the curricular. It’s important that the children can see the link English has with their other subjects and that it’s an integral part of their learning

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